This is a privately owned Cuban Cigar information website.
It is totally advert free and has free and unrestricted entry.
There are no sales of any type on this website.
This website is about information.....not fancy presentation techniques. Most data is only several clicks away.
Website access is by the main menu bar, displayed at the top of each page. The menu bar is sub-divided into groups to indicate each sub-menu basic content. Hovering over the link will display further information. The home page also contains a detailed site map.
Clicking on a link will take your to a page that has either sub-links or drop-down boxes. Clicking on these links will take you direct to the information. Many pages can also be scrolled down to view the entire contents. Users are encouraged to try all the links as there is plenty of information available.
Many of the images throughout the website can be clicked to display a larger higher-definition image (the mouse cursor will change to a pointing hand).
This website was created in 2006 by Trevor Leask and was first announced on the Friends of Habanos Cuban cigar forum.
In 2008 Alexander Groom offered to develop a database version of the website. This allowed quick and accurate updating of data and the introduction of an advanced search function. Since then Alex's suggestions and feedback have resulted in many substantial improvements to the website and without his assistance the website would never have progressed to its present stage.
In 2010 progressive upgrading of cigar images commenced to include higher quality images of actual cigars and several further programming improvements were carried out.
In 2011 the website underwent a colour change. The original website was colour-coded, but quickly changed to a brown (tobacco) scheme, followed by grey, then green, and finally in 2014 to its current more graphical brown and gold scheme.
In 2012 day-to-day updating of the website and answering of emails etc was handed over to Alexander Groom. Trevor Leask continues to maintain ownership and editorial oversight of the website but expects to fully hand over control the website to Alex by the end of 2014.
In 2013 all the previously text-based packaging information was uploaded to a database, enabling users to search by packaging type. The overall search functions were also extended to include search by cigar (find or identify), search by brand, search by release, search by packaging, search by date, and advanced search. A list of discontinued brands existing before the 1960 Revolution has been commenced.
In 2014 a collection management feature was added. This allows logged in users to track inventory, write reviews and compile wish-lists on the site itself.
On 7th December, 2016 a catastrophic failure at the data centre that hosts Cuban Cigar Website led to a total loss of all data related to the site. Over the next few months it was rebuilt from cached versions, launching in a limited form in March 2017. All member's collection data was irretrievably lost.
Correct and up-to-date information is the lifeblood of this website.
Can you provide missing information, such as: dates that packaging was discontinued, background history to releases, etc.?
Have you seen any errors or omissions? Do you have any suggestions or requests? Many of the site's features have come from website users' requests and suggestions!
Can you supply images of special releases, packaging, etc. missing from the website, or can you supply better images?
Special acknowledgement is made to Min Ron Nee
(a nom-de-plume) for his contribution to the world of Cuban Cigars, by the publication of his magnificent book
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars. He has very generously granted formal authorisation for me to use any of his photos from his book in my CubanCigarWebsite. He has also provided encouragement, advice and information that has been used either directly in the website or for research purposes. These invaluable gestures are greatly appreciated. |