Generally Club cigars are machine-made, using short-filler tobacco. They do not have bands, are not cellophane wrapped, and have pre-cut ends. Each pack is cellophane wrapped, and then are normally packed in an outer cardboard display box of 10 packs. The official size of the Club is 96.5 mm long by 8.8 mm (approximate ring size 22.2), so 22 x 96 has been adopted for this vitola.
History Small cigars are defined as cigars of less than 3 grams weight, and include the Mini, Club, and Puritos range. Before c2002 small cigars were produced outside Cuba by C.I.T.A., using 100% Cuban Tobacco. They are now manufactured under license in Cuba by Internacional Cubana de Tabacos, S.A. (ICT). Since 2005, the marketing of machine-made cigars was undertaken by the newly created Promotora de Cigarros S.L., located in Spain.
Status The status of the ICT small cigar range is sketchy. Not all releases are available in all regions and an up-to-date production list is not available. Packaging includes known current and discontinued releases for each brand.